Our Story Continues On

It seems like we are in the exact same place that we have been since grief first entered our lives nearly five years ago but that’s not entirely true. It is similar but different because with each new life is a person – an unrepeatable, unique person – with a story to share. Similar to my struggle to write about Continue Reading →

The Boy Who Healed My Heart

This little guy turned one this month. Gabriel Chase is his name. He is my nephew and godson. Gabriel’s life changed mine. So in celebrating his birthday, let me share with you the story about his life. To begin, you will need some context to understand what was going on in my life at the time. It was late fall Continue Reading →

Words Matter: Fighting the Culture of Death

Words are powerful. They are a sharp two-edged-sword. Words cut into the depths of our hearts. They can inspire and uplift us or completely destroy us. As Christians, we are used to being counter-cultural. However, too many times I notice words being used that communicate half-truths regarding life and family whether it is in every day conversations, on social media Continue Reading →

The Forgotten Mother

A few months ago there was a motherhood challenge making its way through social media. Mothers posted a collage of pictures that make them happy to be a mom then tag and nominate other moms to do the same. Although I was not nominated, I have decided to partake.   [Picture 1: Taken on Labor Day Week 2012 at Alki Beach. Continue Reading →

Easter brings Hope and Grace… Marian Grace

Where do I even begin? There isn’t a perfect starting point, so I’ll just jump right in. I have written, deleted and rewritten this blog countless times and still can’t seem to find the right words to translate what my heart is going through. I’m at a loss for words. It is a never-ending, short-lived springboard of emotions that are Continue Reading →