Mother’s Day Struggle

I have a love/hate relationship with Mother’s Day. Hate may be too strong, but I’ve never really been a fan of “hallmark” holidays. On top of that, for years I was in this awkward place of being a mother, yet not having any of my children here on earth to celebrate with. A place where family and friends may not Continue Reading →

A blessed blogiversary

Five years ago I ventured into the blogging world and hit publish to my very first post for Easter Sunday. That year, we were deep in grief. We had just lost our sixth baby, Nathanael Patrick. To say I was devastated would have been an understatement. Just when I thought my heart couldn’t take any more heartbreak, we experienced yet Continue Reading →

The Boy Who Healed My Heart

This little guy turned one this month. Gabriel Chase is his name. He is my nephew and godson. Gabriel’s life changed mine. So in celebrating his birthday, let me share with you the story about his life. To begin, you will need some context to understand what was going on in my life at the time. It was late fall Continue Reading →

Words Matter: Fighting the Culture of Death

Words are powerful. They are a sharp two-edged-sword. Words cut into the depths of our hearts. They can inspire and uplift us or completely destroy us. As Christians, we are used to being counter-cultural. However, too many times I notice words being used that communicate half-truths regarding life and family whether it is in every day conversations, on social media Continue Reading →