Our Story Continues On

It seems like we are in the exact same place that we have been since grief first entered our lives nearly five years ago but that’s not entirely true. It is similar but different because with each new life is a person – an unrepeatable, unique person – with a story to share. Similar to my struggle to write about Continue Reading →

Defining Question

Several weeks ago I wrote about the dreaded question but today’s story is about a defining question. I’ll take you back to a warm, crisp, blue skies kind of July day: invitations had been sent, flowers were in place, dresses were steamed; make up and hair were done; cameras were ready; guests were beginning to arrive. Months upon months of Continue Reading →

My desire to be a Dad

I Found Change and Didn’t Want It Hate. War. Killing. Racial & Religious Bigotry. Murders. Rape. Who wouldn’t have second thoughts about raising children or having a family in this senseless world? Rightly so! But I was up for that task, or so I thought. Being the youngest of four, I always yearned for younger siblings and from a young Continue Reading →

The Dreaded Question

Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5 It’s un-debatable that at the moment of conception a new life with distinct DNA begins. Within a few hours of conception cell division begins, and within three weeks the baby’s first nerve cells Continue Reading →